Thursday, September 11, 2008

I'm not an applicant...I'm a candidate!

I have to be elected to the Playday position. So a motion is in for hmm I don't know how they worded it. I guess a motion is in to hold an election to approve of me as director of playday. You can get bogged down in the procedural shit at this school. I understand that it is necessary but its tricky. I had three phone calls about how to word a motion so I can be at school when I need to be to plan for the Halloween fair.

Oh yes! Did I forget to mention that I had the fantastic idea to hold a Halloween fair and now I'm in charge of it. I must have been on crack when I opened my mouth. No, I kid. It's going to be fun.

In other news, JC is cracking the whip this year! Desmond has already had a tough sentence for being rowdy. He said "It's hard to get used to all these rules again after being away the whole summer." I said "You should bring that up in JC." He looked at me, rolled his eyes and said "But that's so embarrassing!" Two of his friends were written up for being rowdy...while they were in JC on a charge! I thought it was a first but my friend, who used to be on staff and coincidentally is their mom, said it happens more often than you would think.

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