Tuesday, August 31, 2010

My experiment

Since I bought the store my health and diet have gone straight to hell. It is most evident in my weight but I get no sleep, no exercise and I just don't feel well. My friend Nina does this spring cleanse every year and gave me a copy of the routine she follows. The way it works is that you eliminate a different aspect of your diet until you are down to water which you drink for two days and then start reintroducing foods again. I have never done anything like this before. No juice fasts, nothing. But I'm going to give this a whirl and hopefully update my progress daily.

Why am I doing this? Because I want to clean the slate. I feel like I'm cleaning out a closet and then putting it back together with only the stuff the really want and love. Hopefully the foods that I really want and love will be wholesome.

Today was day one. Actually day two because day one is eat a normal diet. On day two I eliminate caffeine, alcohol, any drugs(except prescription) and additives. Alcohol and drugs are not an issue. Caffeine is a big one because I usually drink 1-3 sodas per day. I made it through today without having one. Woo hoo!! At 5 pm I had an evil headache so I opted to take an excedrin which I guess is a drug and it does have a small amount of caffeine. I probably consumed some additives in the chipwich I had at the pool. I was so focused on not buying a soda that it didn't occur to me to opt out of other snacks too. All in all I'm going to give myself a grade of 90 for the day. I didn't eliminate these items 100% but I was incredibly mindful and did not use the small setbacks as an excuse to sabotage myself before I started.

Tomorrow I'm supposed to eliminate all refined sugars and flours. Uh oh! there goes half my pantry.