Tuesday, June 24, 2008


What does Zimbabwe have to do with Sudbury?

Right now it looks like Robert Mugabe has bullied his way to running unopposed in his country's run off election. His opponent,Tsvanghiri, (who actually probably won in the first place) has taken refuge in the Dutch Embassy and has dropped out because of the escalating violence being perpetrated against his supporters. (I'm not going to even get started on US complicity in Mugabe's long reign or Mbeki's reluctance to use his influence to insist on safe elections at the very least if not fair ones)

Every day I hear people around put forth the lamest reasons for not voting and it drives me crazy!!! Having a voice in how your country is governed, no matter how small is a gift. And being able to do it without fear of reprisal is an even greater gift.

so I send my kids to a democratic school for them to develop the habit of self governance. I send them to a democratic school so that independence becomes so ingrained that they will have no choice but to stand up to tyrants, wherever they encounter them.

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