Sunday, June 22, 2008

What's in a meme two:meming bugaloo

So my friend suggested that I just google meme to find out what it is but of course I never think to use the internet in such a fashion. although I did use it tonight to double check the definition of ameliorate(and I was right!). Anyway, she gave me a connection to her blog and what I presume are various memes but I still don't get the concept because I still haven't bothered to google it and get a proper definition. I guess a meme is some sort of list of things. Which is great because I love love love to make lists.

(imagine a pause of 2-3 minutes here)

OK I just finished my homework and a meme is a list but of questions that you then answer about yourself. I have received such lists before via electronic mail and will occasionally respond-usually because of the person sending it not because of the inherent value of the meme itself. I doubt you'll see any on EBC because it would involve an inordinate amount of typing or, gasp, cutting and pasting.

I can remember making similar lists on pieces of paper at sleepovers in grade school that usually involved boys we liked. i also remember the great "slam book" spring of sixth grade where many notebooks were passed around. You signed your name next to a number on the first page and then on each subsequent page there would be a question and you would write your response on the same numbered line that you started out with. So I guess the internet doesn't come up with everything!! Take that intergeeks!
Luddites rule!
Masters of sophisticated technology drool!

1 comment:

Jen in FL said...

OMG, this is your best post evar! I am laughing so frakkin hard right now!