Wednesday, June 11, 2008

The winning slate

The winning slate gave hours to everybody. four staff members have 30 hours and three have 20 hours but really everyone will probably work more than they are paid. that's amazing. thank you staff for your generosity and dedication.

It was very close, 19 to 17. Amelia had trouble remembering which slate she voted for. (I swear, talking to a small child sometimes is like dealing with a person with very mild dementia.) I wonder if there were bad feelings afterward.

In "The Poisonwood Bible" by Barbara Kingsolver there is a passage about the differences between democracy and the village way of discussion until consensus. It is a veiled criticism of majority rule. The argument is that in the latter method everyone is happy because nothing is decided until every last person agrees(although my guess is that it was probably only the men who got to do the agreeing). Let me tell you, I have been party to some very long discussions at sudbury before a vote even occurred, they'd be there forever if everything had to be unanimous.

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