Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Thoughts on the Bailout

This is another example of how messy democracy can be. There has been a lot of yammering about the failure of leadership because the bailout bill didn't pass in the house on Monday. First of all I say good because it was crap law that was going to saddle us with a lot of debt and may not even help. Maybe this country needs a credit crunch. If you have to borrow money to pay for anything besides a house or college, well, maybe you can't afford it!

Anyway, I don't think it was a failure of leadership on the part of the House becaue a lot of those who voted no were listening to their constituents which is what they are supposed to do!

We live in a representative republic and if the people you represent don't want something maybe you should listen to them. Maybe those of us who didn't think the bill should pass were wrong and if we were then congress should do a better job of explaining why it's right. Actually the Paulson should explain why he should be allowed to violate the constitution and all the principles of an honest, transparent govt. with the taxpayers money.

I'm glad it happened. It's like the American people are finally waking up and taking control of their government again.

PS I can't believe I am on the same side of an issue as Rush Limbaugh. That is some freaky shit.

1 comment:

Jen in FL said...

tell me about it!!

You should hear me--I'm ranting about the Bushies trying to loot the treasury! I mean WTF?! They pick a ginormous number out of thin air simply because it was ginormous. Fuck that. I hope the Senate is as willing to listen to their constituents, too. Seriously, can't they think of a way to help the economy that doesn't involve giving money to the people who caused the problem in the first place? What about a jobs program? Hey, here's an idea. Hire people to work on our crumbling infrastructure. Ooh, let's build a cross country monorail! And while we're spending 700 billion bucks, we could make higher education cheaper for everyone AND create a universal health care system.

Shit, don't get me started.