Friday, October 31, 2008

guest blogger: Des

Since he is home from school today(the lesson is not being learned:he's having a great time) Des is expressing some opinions for your edification:

Des:I really want Sudbury to have a gym. I think it would be a way funner activity and I think the school should have some construction work done to it so it can be bigger and put more stuff in it to have more activities.

Mom:What do you mean by activities?

Des:Regular fun activities like going somewhere. do you know what I mean?

Mom: No I don't because if you want to go someplace you can just make a trip.

Des: some stuff fun activities means to me well playing freeze tag, you know, doing stuff

Mom: so do you want other ideas for things for you to do?

Des: no

Mom: but you want there to be more things to do? do you want someone to come to you and say hey Des, why don't you come and do this with me like making goop or doing projects?

Des: No I don't want somebody to ask that to me.

Mom: I don't think I know what it is that you want from the school.

I don't want anything to borrow.

Mom: I know that. I mean I don't know what you want the school to be like.

I think the tower in the playroom should be bigger and the tunnel should lead out of the playroom. the playroom should be bigger with a bigger tower thing to play on. A bigger playground, I want a better playground with a tunnel that goes outside of the building. I went the giant red thing to lead into the hallways and outdoors and you could look at everything really high. That would be so great.

Mom: So that's the kind of activity that you want?

Yup! But I don't think it's gonna happen.

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