Sunday, October 12, 2008

Talking to the press is not my strong suit

So I had emailed a local reporter about the school and suggested that they do a story on HVSS. Actually I was trying to get a calender listing about the Halloween fair but figured I might as well ask for a story about the school too.

So last week, I was taking a nap while Finn slept when the phone rang and it was someone from the paper who wanted to talk to me about the school. I was a little groggy and should have asked them to call back but I wasn't thinking. I don't think I said anything dumb but after I got off the phone with him I thought of a few more points and started replaying whatever it was I had said and wished I had just given him the number of another parent to talk to.

The story will be in this week's edition of the paper and I'm dreading it. Irrational fear? Maybe. But I think I like being behind the scenes better. I think I'm an extroverted introvert. Like, I know there are people reading this blog but when they have told me they read it I get so embarrassed, like they've seen me in my unmentionables. And I'm not really confessing any deep dark secrets here. And yet I do like to share my opinion. I mean it can't bother me that much because I do still have a blog.

I don't know. I just don't want to sound like an idiot or make the school look bad.

In other news, I have been sick and in quite a bit of pain thus the drop of in posts. Still plugging away at DIA. Tomorrow I'm going to enter this great passage about the election of the president. Can you stand the suspense? :)

Lastly, today is my 13th anniversary. we were married on a friday the 13th and it has worked out quite well for us. People kept saying "Oh you musn't be superstitious if you picked that date" but I'm actually really superstitious. I have all kinds of "lucky" objects and weird little rituals. You know why? Because it makes life that much more fun! But this is a topic for another post.

1 comment:

Jen in FL said...

Happy Anniversary! How long have you been married? Our anniversary fell on Yom Kippur this year. I can't tell you how funny I thought that was. I hope you feel better soon. :-)