Friday, July 18, 2008

It's a facebook miracle!

Once upon a time, in high school, I was really close friends with this girl. Best friends. We went to different schools but we hung out every weekend and we were in this methodist youth group together and it was great.

Senior year was very difficult for me. My grandmother had passed away and I was living with my grandfather and sort of running the house. Plus school pressures and some other family stuff. I was a mess. At the same time, I actually started to make friends with the people from my school(everyone thought I was a big time nerd-which I was but there are many facets to the egghead-and didn't know that I was running off to Manhattan and getting into all sorts of mischief).
Some of my new friends did not like my old friend and when we had a very minor argument I chose to blow it out of proportion and basically dropped her.

It was really wrong of me and it was so out of character, not something I was in the habit of doing before or since. I've made a lot of mistakes in my life but my mistreatment and lack of loyalty towards my friend is something I really regret.

So fast forward 20 years and a mutual friend hooked us up againon where else, facebook. I was able to apologize, she was able to forgive, we have had some wonderful email exchanges and are making plans to get together. Even though i had forgiven myself I still feel fortunate that I had a chance to make amends to her. It was really nice.

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