Thursday, July 3, 2008

Did I forget about Sudbury?

Of course not! But the kids aren't in school so I've had other thoughts on my mind. We got a packet today including staff bios. that was pretty interesting. I knew they were sending them out, I just didn't realize that they had been written by the staff themselves. Mostly everyone confirmed their commitment to the school's philosophy plus a couple of interesting tidbits about where they grew up,likes and dislikes,etc.

It reminded me that I have to do my tuition worksheet. HVSS has a sliding scale tuition. Sudbury Valley School does not. Someone at the assembly who had been there said that they(people at SVS) think everyone should be responsible for their own tuition and called a sliding scale "social engineering". I guess I can see what they're saying, having the same price for everyone is more democratic except that democracy is not about money. We don't have a poll tax anymore. It doesn't cost anybody anything to vote so one could think of tuition as a poll tax of sorts, it's the price you pay to become part of the Sudbury community. I think tuition there is 6000 a year(I don't know if they give sibling discounts) which would make it twice as expensive for a family making 30,000 a year vs. a family making 60,000. That's not social engineering of a different sort?

If it wasn't for the sliding scale, and more importantly, the sibling discount, I don't know if I could send my kids to the school. The sibling discount is phenomenal. First child pays 100%,Second 50% and any kids after that 25%.

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