Thursday, March 5, 2009


We had to go to my uncle's funeral yesterday. It was in a catholic church. A novelty for my children. As we enter the pew Des says, "Mommy why do they have a statue of a man being crucerised?" Before I can answer he says, "Who wants to look at that when they're going to church?"

Later on, in the car, he says "So you're telling me that people get married in front of a big guy getting crucerised?"

I tried to explain to him that it was a reminder of Jesus' suffering for all of us and Ray pipes in with "There is no guilt like Catholic guilt!"

1 comment:

Jen in FL said...

oh, man! That is so Des. Also, SO Ray.

I remember going to a LLL thing down in Yonkers and we had the meeting in the nursery of a Catholic church--which had a 6-foot-tall crucifix predominately displayed. Seriously, a life-sized dying Jesus!! In the NURSERY!! Isaac was maybe 2 or 3. He certainly had questions and I'm not sure I took such a neutral tone.