Friday, February 27, 2009

Why haven't I been posting lately?

Well, the egghead is going through some stuff. all of it positive but time consuming. First of all I started doing weight watchers because my high school reunion(which should have been last year) is in May and I would at least like to get back to my pre-pregnancy weight. I really only started in earnest the past week or two but have spent the past couple of months examining my eating behaviors and really figured out why nothing worked. So that's taken up some time. My other big project has been the idea of buying a used bookstore. I've been talking to the owner for about six weeks and I'm actually going to go work there for a few weeks to see howit will be with the kids. I'm very excited. I've also been doing a major purge and reorganization in my house. It is much easier to be neat when you don't have that much stuff.

I'm most excited about the bookstore. Even if the book business is on the decline and the advent of Kindle and all of that. I walk in there and get tingly. Obstacle after obstacle keeps coming up and I find a solution to it. That's how badly I want to make this happen. I should talk more about it but time for BSG!

1 comment:

Jen in FL said...

dude, that would be so cool if you had a bookstore!