Monday, February 2, 2009

Oh, so that's what they do

We were visiting some friends and of course the subject of school came up. Des was surprised to hear that their 8 year old daughter was reading. Amelia said "Of course she is, she's in 3rd grade! She's 8." Our friend's 5 year old boy said "I go to her school too but I'm not in a grade yet." Des said "We don't go to a grade school." The other boy said "You should come to my school. Math is fun." Des said and he looked at me kind of slyly,"Well, at my school we can do math all day if we want." My friend asked him "Do you?" Amelia said "No, he plays video games all day."

They missed the bus today so I drove them to school. Amelia had a fit that I was dropping Cady off first "That is so unfair. I don't want to get there all late!" i pointed out that Cady's school was only 10 minutes away so that's why she went first. Later on I said to them "I know it's important for you guys to get to school as soon as possible but it isn't that important to me because I don't really see you doing anything there." Amelia said "We love our school! We love it so much so we always want to be there. Sudbury is like a giant playdate." and then Des added, "But not at anyone's house."

Lately I've been very cynical and thinking it's all BS. I know I've said this before but do they really need 12 years of hanging around? Just like I ask if the regular schools really need 12 years of total control. Is there no middle way?!

1 comment:

Jen in FL said...

hey, so when are you going to come to our school for a visit?