Thursday, February 12, 2009


Cady is at the stage where no detail is too small for sharing. "My pants are wet because I peed all over them. I'm cold." "I'm going to read this book now because it is good. I don't read bad books." "This puzzle is funcusing me. It's so funcusing."

Cady will be turning four next month but she could care less. Four is just a stepping stone. On our way to school today she counted on her fingers-
"Right now I'm three." Holds up four fingers. "At my birthday party I be four." Hides her hand. "You know what comes after that?" Wiggles all 5. "5. And then I go to Sudbury School."

It's going to be so interesting to see what it's like for her and what her relationship with Des and Amelia will be by then or how it will change. It was so important to me that my kids grow up together. Even if it means they bicker more. With the age based segregation of public schools they could lead whole separate lives.

I wonder if Des and Amelia ever fight at school the way they do at home. Probably not. Kids are always better in public than they are at home.