Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Still thinking

What do I want from my kids school? If you send your kids to a sudbury school the real question is "what kind of people to I want my kids to be?" because the point of the school is to produce a successful adult. but how do you define that? can it be quantified? so here's my list in progress of things that I think are important:

A high standard of ethical behavior. They simply must be able to identify right from wrong and be willing to do what they think is right even if it isn't convenient or popular or doesn't benefit them financially.

I want them to have the tools of logic at their disposal because there is a lot of bullshit out there and they need to be able to evaluate arguments rationally.

They should know how to recognize and avoid trouble. This is especially important for my girls. They need to be able to notice a creep. They need to be vigilant about their safety.

I hope I can instill a strong work ethic in them. Sometimes you get lucky but most things come about from perseverance and hard work. Being smart helps but it isn't enough.

I want them to be in the habit of looking beyond their life, or their circle and actively seek out ways to be helpful.

Manners are important. Empathy is important. Honesty is important.

I'll think of more stuff I'm sure. :)

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