Monday, February 4, 2008


More about video games, well, distractions in general.

I went to pick the kids up last week and Amelia was with a bunch of kids sitting around watching The Simpsons and Des was in the computer room playing a video game that involved shooting people.

I don't mind the kids doing things other than sitting at a desk and working in a workbook but I do question the quality of the distractions. When Sudbury Valley was founded the influence of electronic media was much less profound. I have a serious problem with screen time HVSS. I know in a previous post I sort of hinted at this but it has been bothering me more and more.

I waver between thinking that its ok because let them get their loafing out of their system and thinking no, this is the start of some bad habits. It is so much easier now to do nothing in our society. To just sit back and be entertained. Adults are reading fewer books, people have fewer hobbies and I think a lot of it is due to the seductiveness of television and movies. I'm guilty of this too so I don't know what the answer is but I think we should limit our kids' access to this stuff I really do. And I know that it is in direct conflict with the philosophy but I just think that this is an area where the adults in charge are making a mistake. Right now I am still willing to accept the trade off for the other benefits but I wish there was a way to fix this.

1 comment:

Jen in FL said...

yes, that is frustrating. *sigh* I wish I could offer a suggestion of any sort, but I have none...