Sunday, August 3, 2008

What's the difference?

Sometimes I talk to people about Sudbury schools and they ask "Oh, are the local schools bad by you?" I honestly don't know. The schools in our old town were considered to be excellent but I still wouldn't have sent my kids to them. There is also an expensive private school(9000 a year) two miles from my house but my choice not to use it has nothing to do with the money(well maybe something).

To compare good and bad public schools or to compare public schools to most private schools is like comparing a Ford to a Mercedes. One is really expensive and carries a lot of cache but at the end of the day is still a car. Still has four tires and a steering wheel, still primarily used to get you from point A to Point B in exactly the same manner as a Ford.

I don't want a car for my kids. I want them to have a jetpack that takes off with groovy little rocket fired roller skates and maybe has some sort of propeller system for hovering. I want them in a TARDIS.

I think our current methods of education are so deeply flawed that I look at any form of traditional schooling as just being a variation on a theme. If it involves insisting on teaching a discrete set of facts to the exclusion of others, if it is about one set of people(usually teachers) controlling the entire day of another set(the students), or about creating artificial social settings that have very little to do with real life, I don't want any part of it.

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