Wednesday, March 26, 2008

off topic-parades, circuses and other public forms of entertainment

Whenever my sister and I go out together we have a great time. We're both loquacious and we both bore easily so if things are kind of dry we like to make our own fun. We took our kids to a St. Patrick's day parade and were the loudest people in our area, which isn't saying much because everyone else was just standing there. This was something that we had noticed the last time we went to the circus. Nobody really clapped or cheered, except us of course. I mean there was this troupe from Ghana and they managed to do this reverse human pyramid with 8 or 9 guys balanced on top of one big guy. It was really cool and yet nobody around us really applauded or cheered, it was bizarre.

I think the problem is that people are totally jaded by TV and Movies. We're too used to sitting and staring at the most fantastic spectacles on screen that real life amusements like a marching band or acrobats are too tame. Or maybe because we don't view things in real time or real life we forget that the entertainers might like a little feedback.

So my PSA for today is to encourage you to cheer, clap, wave, sing along or get involved, where and when appropriate, the next time you attend a public amusement. It is much more fun. Trust me.

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