Thursday, January 17, 2008

Going Bowling

Ah sudbury, the lessons you teach me...

Amelia wanted to go bowling and wanted to bring a friend. Des chimed in and said that he wanted to bring his friends too. Since they all go to school together I said "Hey Why don't you try and plan a field trip?" Amelia was hesitant at first so we sat down and made a list of all the things that you would need to do to organize a bowling trip. She was excited and scared and asked if I would help her talk to the staff the next day to make the motion. My heart leapt with joy! First of all, I love to make lists. Secondly, I was excited that Amelia was undertaking this and thrilled that she wanted me to be a part of it. Thirdly, I'm very curious about the procedures in the school meeting and I was happy to have this little window. The whole night, up until bedtime, Amelia kept saying, " wow I can't believe that I'm going to do a bowling trip. I'm only five. I can't even read you know."

the next day, we pick up her friend and carpool mate and the first thing Amelia says is "Guess what, I'm going to make a motion to do a bowling trip" Her friend says, "I can't believe it. I just went bowling and I want to do a bowling trip." amelia says "Let's do it together." Des says, "Well, I don't want to make the motion but I want to go bowling." Life is wonderful and I sit in the front seat beaming with my list in my pocket.

It was a tuesday, playday, so when we got to school I said "amelia, let me get Cady settled and I'll go to the office with you." a staff member was nearby and Amelia started to walk over to her, hesitated, asked me to come with her but then said "No, mom I don't need you. we can do it." I said,"well, do you want the list." "No mom, I don't need it." "Are you sure, because I have it with me. It's right here , in my pocket." "No, no. I'm ok." I think I hid my disappointment well and I went into the playroom with Cady and Finn.

A little while later I was getting a drink of water and Amelia came up and asked for the name of the bowling alley. I said, pathetically, "Well, I wrote the number down, remember,on the list." She looked at me with her hands on her hips and said "Mom, I don't need the list. I just need the name." "Hoe bowl in Kingston" I said, and tried not to sigh dramatically.

So what did I learn? I guess just the same lesson that we parents learn over and over again-how to let go, gracefully if possible or grudgingly if we must. I have to try to remember that my child is capable and in capable hands at HVSS.


Jen in FL said...

first--what a great post!
last--How cool is it that your little babies are so freaking independent and capable!?

Ellen said...

And do we know what DAY this trip is happening? No, we do not. ( YOU know?)I can't wait till they're of the age where they can reliably relay information from those mysterious school meetings!