Thursday, January 31, 2008


The kids came home from school with a packet of evaluations to fill out- one for each staff member and one for the school in general.

I tried not to influence their answers and just transcribe what they said to me so the results were pretty funny. It also turned out to be a useful tool for me because it was another reminder that just because twins are born at the same time doesn't mean that they are the same person.

Amelia was pretty positive, she likes the staff. One staff member was described as "being nice to kids in a kid way and nice to grown ups in a grown up way". She loves HVSS but for the question "What should school meeting do differently?" she said "we shouldn't have to be certified to use tape, 5 year olds know not to stick tape on themselves". She also commented that some other students "have to learn not to shout when they don't get their way because you can't always have things your way, it just doesn't work like that."

desmond's evaluations were definitely in line with his world view which basically amounts to "let me do what I want and don't ask me to do anything". His positive comment for every staff member was "they don't interrupt my games". I was surprised when he said that he didn't want a staff member to return. It turns out that this person says hi to him in a "weird way and it embarrasses me". Des definitely likes to perform,he can be quite theatrical, but at the same time he doesn't like it when other people call attention to him. So I think that's what that was about. Part of me wanted to go and explain this to the staff member. I got all worried that this would be the start of some lasting enmity and I even thought that perhaps I shouldn't have written it down. Or explained to him the full risk of possibly offending someone, and then I said to myself "hey crazy, he's 5, nobody is going to hold this against him". When asked about his experience at hvss he said "I half like it and half don't" He then enumerated his likes and dislikes. That is so Des. Amelia knows that you have to take the good with the bad but for Des it
is an equation and if you don't like something 100% then you can't say that you like it. I know he's happy there, as happy as he is capable of anyway.

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