Monday, October 22, 2007

Lighten up Francis!

When I reread my post from yesterday I realized that I was starting to sound a bit hysterical. Its kind of silly to think that I'm the only person in the world who can disseminate information to my children. It isn't even something I believe. The staff is there to answer their questions or to help them find the answers. And from what I've seen of them they seem like smart approachable people.

It is hard to totally trust children because sometimes they do stupid stuff and don't make the best decisions. I take my responsibilities as a parent very seriously and one of those responsibilities is that my children are not ignorant dopes who can't tell you how many senators New York has or identify their own country on a map.

I just want to raise an army of eggheads to rule the world!! (cue maniacal laughter)

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